Rotation Circular Saw Pipe Cutter with chain cutting guide
This rotation circular saw cuts HDPE Poly pipe and with safety & precision consisting of a motorized hand saw with a guide carriage and tensioning chains for each pipe diameter. The tensioning chain is put around the pipe and tightened utilizing the chain tensioner. The guide carriage is then applied with the hand saw & connects to the tensioning chain. After switching on the motor, the cutting is started by plunging the saw down through the pipe and then rotating it following the chain cutting guide, resulting in a quick, clean, right-angled cut. The saw has blade guards which make this one of the safest ways to cust pipe on site.
  • Suits wall thickness of up to 60mm, or 95mm
  • The outside diameter of 500 mm up to 1600 mm.
  • Safe & Easy to handle.
  • Greater cutting accuracy makes it Indispensable on a construction site

* Guide tensioning chains are sold as individual items for each size. Please specify which sizes you require.

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