Maintaining HDPE maintenance checklist

Are there any operating conditions that mean you need to be more rigorous thanindustry standard suggest? Consider: Are there any operating conditions that mean you need to be more rigorous than industry standard suggest? Consider:a. Temperatureb. Pressurec. Volume Is the operational environment in line with what industry standards assume? Soil contamination or other chemical differences …

The leading indicator is the secret to a robust pipeline

Leading indicators are the key metrics that make pipeline projects robust. They allow you to prevent problems, stay proactive, and predict risk and issues on your project. As the person with responsibility for project management, you might find yourself spending more time herding cats than in understanding how your projects perform. You might even find …

Quick tips for successful electrofusion jointing of PE Pipe and fittings

One of the most common challenges we see in the field is ensuring successful electrofusion jointing of PE systems. Installations can be challenging, sometimes due to working in confined spaces, varying weather conditions and busy sites. BUT… it doesn’t have to be. Maintaining a methodical approach in the preparation and installation of electrofusion systems will …

A guide to getting started with Reliability Centred Maintenance

Reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) is a solid conceptual framework for maintenance management. For a start-to-finish rundown, there’s a technical SAE standard and even entire books about RCM. This one-pager will refresh your memory about the questions to ask when you’re getting started. Definitions Assets are the things that you and your team maintains.System is what the …

The RCM series, Part Three: Some risks are worth taking, especially if they help you prove the worth of RCM to everyone

Our three-part reliability-centred maintenance (RCM) series concludes with a close-up look at how RCM runs from day to day. You have risks to define and manage, documentation to write, and workmates to keep on-side with good news. If you need a terminology refresher, see Part One-: Assets, systems, context and failure all mean particular things to …

How to prevent wear on your PE pipeline’s bends

When it comes to wear prevention, the approach that you take will vary from someone else’s. It comes down to the use case for your particular pipeline. If your pipeline is transporting slurry, or tailings, for example, you will have a very different approach from someone whose pipeline is simply carrying water. However, polyethylene pipe …

The wrong Isopropyl Wipes can reduce your safety compliance

It sounds strange, doesn’t it? That something like ISO Wipes, which you use every single day, can affect your compliance? Well, it’s true. This article shows you how. Welding safety compliance requirements in Australia Your industry and your accreditation’s enforce a huge range of compliance requirements. Managing and maintaining any kind of pipeline—from mining to irrigation—means that …