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Using the right tools for the job

Using the right tools for the job

One of the most common challenges we see in the field is ensuring successful joints in HDPE fittings and pipe systems.

Our Sales Executive, Karl says “On those occasions that we do come across problems on site, not using clamps is one of the most common causes of a failed joint. If any of the steps in the process are skipped or incorrect tools are used, we can’t guarantee that the joint will be successful.”

For electrofusion welding, using the correct sized clamps will help ensure that the pipe won’t move during the scraping and fusion process, keeping everything tight and straight.  Read more tips on electrofusion welding.

If you’re not sure what’s right for you, talk to us about our range of equipment for butt and electrofusion welding before you buy. 

View our range of equipment and tools 


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